segunda-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2014

Gabarito de Exercícios: Simple Present

Confira as respostas dos exercícios referentes ao simple present. se ainda não os viu, clique no link
1.  Escreva a forma destes verbos que acompanham he/she/it
     a) She reads (read)
     b) He thinks (think)
     c) It flies (fly)
     d) It finishes (finish)
     e) He dances (dance)
     f) She has (have)

2. Coloque as palavras em ordem para formar as sentenças e faça as mudanças necessárias nos verbos.
    a) (always / early / Katy / arrive)  Katy always arrives early.
    b) (television / Tim / watch / never) Tim never watches television.
    c) (work / Martina / hard / always) Martina always works hard.
    d) (bark / Spike / the / mailman / when / arrive) Spike barks when the mailman arrives.
    e) (Steve / drum / with his / play / band) Steve palys drum with his band.
    f) (dance / party / they / at the) They dance at the party.
    g) (we / films / watch / because / love / we) We watch films because we love.
    h) (fly / flowers/ The / butterfly / on the) The butterfly flies on the flowers

3.  Marque a alternativa em que o uso do Simple Present está correto:
     a) Susie drink because she has thirst.
     b) Jim play with his dog all day.
     c) Tom run the São Silvestre.
     d) They don't want the new modification
     e) he don't sing alone.

4. Explique o que acontece com os verbos com a 3ª pessoa do singular no Simpel Present.
com she, he ou it, ele muda, pois passa-o para o plural. A regra geral é acrescentar -s, veja o exemplo:
He works
She works
It works
    Mas quando terminado com f  ou fe, troca para passar para o plural por ves, como em faca (knife - knives) ou bandido (thief - thieves) e outras mais palavras praticamente incontáveis. Como aqui a questão é o verbo, um exemplo que se enquadra é o Life, terminou com fe, vira lives. A conjugação de life no simple present ficaria:
I life
You life
He lives
She lives 
It lives
We life
You life
They life
      E se a terminação é o, sh, ch, x, ss ou z acrescenta es. Exemplo: go (ir) -> goes.
     Ainda tem mais, caso antes do y venha uma consoante troca o y por ies (city - cities) e se precedido por vogal a regra é geral de acrescentar s (play- plays)
Veja o restante da explicação em

5. Passe as sentenças afirmativas do simple present para a negativa. Depois que fizer isso repasse para a interrogativa.
a) Carol lives with her parents since 1998.
Carol doesn't live with her parents since 1998 / Does Carol live with her parents since 1998?

b) They know my phone number.
They don't know my phone number / Do they know my phone number?

c) You say the same thing every day.
You do not say the same thing every day / Do you say the same thing every day?

d) We work very hard.
We don't work very hard / Do we work very hard?

e) Ben likes pop music. He listens every day when his mother arrives.
Ben doesn't like pop music. He doesn't listen every day when his mother doesn't arrive.
Does Ben like pop music? Does he listen every day when his mother arrives?

6. Responda em inglês usando o simple present (resposta pessoal)

Where do your parents live?
Do you always get up early?

What time do you go to the bed?
What do you have for the dinner?

7. Com base nas suas respostas da questão 6 passe as que respondeu de maneira afirmativa para a negativa e as negativas para a afirmativa.
Resposta pessoal

8. Com base no texto retirado de, marque verdadeiro ou falso:

A dedicated teenager

Jane is a very intelligent teenager. She is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She goes to school in the morning and helps her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she studies English at a school. She loves ice cream and barbecue; she eats an ice cream every day and, on the weekend, she eats barbecue. Her brothers don’t like to study but they help their parents too. They want to open a small restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane likes science and she wants to be a doctor. Her father tells her that it is necessary to study a lot to be a doctor. Jane tells her father: “Yes, you are correct. This is my dream and I know it is possible because I am dedicated.”

Jane’s family has problems but they believe there are solutions and they never give up. Jane doesn’t have everything she wants but she works hard.

a) Jane  help her mother in the afternoon. ( V )
b) Jane doesn't study English at a university. (  F )
c) She doesn't like meat. (  F  )
d) Her brothers don't love to study.(  V   )
e) Jane wants to be a teacher .( F )

4 comentários:

  1. Assinale a opção que contém erro quanto a caracter´stica do Verbo Modal sitado na sentença:
    a) CAN sugere capacidade,
    b) JUSt indica necessidade.
    c) SHOULD indica uma sugestão.
    d) MAY sugere dúvida.
    e) WILL indica possibilidade.

  2. Assinale a opção que contém erro quanto a caracter´stica do Verbo Modal sitado na sentença:
    a) CAN sugere capacidade,
    b) JUSt indica necessidade.
    c) SHOULD indica uma sugestão.
    d) MAY sugere dúvida.
    e) WILL indica possibilidade.

  3. Respostas
    1. Resposta:

      1. d) must.

      2. c) to going.

      3. e) had changed.

      4. c) already drink it.

      5. a) listen.

      6. d) doesn't go.

      7. d) is going to buy.

      8. a) to arrive.

      9. a) I'll be.

      10.b) in.
